ATN ThOR-336 9X-36X (60Hz) vs InfiRay Tube TL35

Compare specifications between the ATN ThOR-336 9X-36X (60Hz) and the InfiRay Tube TL35 thermal cameras.

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Lens 100 mm 35 mm
Diopter adjustment -6 to +2 -5 +5
Eye relief distance 65 mm 60 mm
Optical zoom 9 x 3.1 x
Digital zoom 36 x 12.4 x
Horizontal FOV 3 ° 7.5 °
Vertical FOV 2.4 ° 5.6 °
Thermal type Uncooled Uncooled
Hor. Sensor Resolution 336 pixels 384 pixels
Vert. Sensor Resolution 256 pixels 288 pixels
Pixel pitch - 12 µm
Sensitivity 50 mK 50 mK
Spectral Range min. 7 µm -
Spectral Range max. 14 µm -
Hor. Display Resolution 800 pixels 1280 pixels
Vert. Display Resolution 600 pixels 960 pixels
Refresh rate 60 Hz 50 Hz
Image polarity White hot / Black hot / Multiple Color Mode -
Output screen color Full color Full color
Startup time 3 seconds -
Reticle Multiple Reticles to Choose From -
Rail MIL-STD 1913 Picatinny 30mm scope ring
Package contents Instruction Manual, 3 batteries CR123A type, Mil-Spec Hard Case, Warranty card, Lens Tissue -
Size & weight
Length 262 mm 385 mm
Width 94 mm 85 mm
Height 73 mm 75 mm
Weight 1400 g 900 g
Type CR123A Built-in battery pack
Number of batteries 3 1
Battery life 8 hours 8 hours
Environmental rating -
Law enforcement
Search & rescue
Fire fighting
Thermography -

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