InfiRay Rico RH50 vs FLIR RS64 2-16x

Compare specifications between the InfiRay Rico RH50 and the FLIR RS64 2-16x thermal cameras.

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Lens 50 mm 60 mm
F-ratio 1.1 -
Diopter adjustment - -6 +6
Eye relief distance 55 mm 76 mm
Exit pupil diameter 6 mm -
Optical zoom 2.8 x 1 x
Digital zoom 4 x 8 x
Horizontal FOV 12.4 ° 10 °
Vertical FOV 9.3 ° 10 °
Thermal type Uncooled Uncooled
Hor. Sensor Resolution 640 pixels 640 pixels
Vert. Sensor Resolution 512 pixels 512 pixels
Pixel pitch 12 µm -
Sensitivity 50 mK 50 mK
Spectral Range min. - 7.5 µm
Spectral Range max. - 13.5 µm
Hor. Display Resolution 1024 pixels 640 pixels
Vert. Display Resolution 768 pixels 480 pixels
Refresh rate 50 Hz 30 Hz
Image polarity - Black/White/InstAlert™
Output screen color Full color Full color
Video formats - USB-to-RCA
Startup time - 2 seconds
Reticle - Duplex, Fine Duplex, German
Rail - MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny Rail
Package contents - RS ThermoSight, AC Adapter, USB Cable, Lens Cloth, Rubber Eye Cup, Hard Case, Operator Manual
Size & weight
Length 250 mm 216 mm
Width 61 mm 84 mm
Height 58 mm 74 mm
Weight 840 g 1089 g
Type Li-ion 3.7V Li-ion
Number of batteries 1 1
Battery life 6 hours 4 hours
Operating temp. min - -20 °C
Operating temp. max - 50 °C
Storage temp. min - -40 °C
Storage temp. max - 60 °C
Environmental rating IP67 IPX7
Law enforcement
Search & rescue
Fire fighting

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