Hikvision DS-2TS16-50 (VI/W) vs Hikvision DS-2TS16-35 (VI/W)

Compare specifications between the Hikvision DS-2TS16-50 (VI/W) and the Hikvision DS-2TS16-35 (VI/W) thermal cameras.

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Lens 50 mm 35 mm
F-ratio 1.0 1.0
Optical zoom 1 x 1 x
Digital zoom 4 x 4 x
Horizontal FOV 12.42 ° 17.7 °
Vertical FOV 9.95 ° 14.2 °
Thermal type Uncooled Uncooled
Hor. Sensor Resolution 640 pixels 640 pixels
Vert. Sensor Resolution 512 pixels 512 pixels
Pixel pitch 17 µm 17 µm
Sensitivity 40 mK 40 mK
Spectral Range min. 8 µm 8 µm
Spectral Range max. 14 µm 14 µm
Hor. Display Resolution 1024 pixels 1024 pixels
Vert. Display Resolution 768 pixels 768 pixels
Refresh rate 25 Hz 25 Hz
Output screen color Full color Full color
Video formats Black hot, white hot Black hot, white hot
Package contents Battery charger, battery charger power cable, wiping cloth, two wrist straps, User manual, aviation plug cable, eight batteries Battery charger, battery charger power cable, wiping cloth, two wrist straps, User manual, aviation plug cable, eight batteries
Size & weight
Length 164 mm 164 mm
Width 182 mm 182 mm
Height 73 mm 73 mm
Weight 1000 g 1000 g
Type 18650 18650
Number of batteries 4 4
Battery life 7 hours 7 hours
Operating temp. min -30 °C -30 °C
Operating temp. max 55 °C 55 °C
Environmental rating IP67 IP67
Law enforcement
Search & rescue
Fire fighting

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